(Photos) WOW: WikiLeaks Releases Over 200,000 Emails From DNC!

As the Democratic National Convention approaches, there are all sorts of scandal and smear efforts aimed towards the Democratic party. WikiLeaks which is notorious for leaking all sorts of confidential information, just released over 200,000 emails showing Democrats working against Bernie Sanders. Hit the jump to read more.

(Video) Dr. Oz Show Exposed By WikiLeaks!

He’s the Dr. that nobody hates to see, but in just a matter of moments he lost the trust of millions. The squeaky clean cut Dr. seems like he’s generally concerned about the welfare of his audience but he’s made it quite clear, he’s about business. WikiLeaks, the infamous non-profit journalistic origization who releases and publishes TOP SECRET information, has spilt the tea again! The Dr. that we have invited into our homes, daily…has sold out and they’ve got proof!

WikiLeaks Movie Script Leaks To WikiLeaks Founder

WikiLeaks, a not-for-profit media organization that exposes the truth behind the scenes to the public, apparently is the focus of Dream Works next big project. Basically WikiLeaks is an innovative, anonymous and secure place for sources to leak high profile information. Their posting of original-source material helps get the point across that this is not just for attention, but to prove that their information is truly factual. Exposing pay offs of big companies to government agencies for information or business, government official involvement in drug trafficking or POW’s, this type of high profile information brings on a ton of negative press and enemies from all over. The film, The Fifth Estate, is described by WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange as a “mass propaganda attack.” The film is set to release Nov. 15.  

Tech Talk News: Did WikiLeaks Uncover The Truth About Bin Laden’s Body???

This is All over the Internet, an email exposes the Truth about Bin Laden’s Body?? Maybe, Hit the Jump. +TatWZA

Tech Talk TV: WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange On The Simpsons???

This guy wants to be a Star I see, I told you he’s getting his own show, which seems as though it could be interesting enough to check out the 1st few episodes(at least the 1st one), But now we found out He’s gonna be himself on the Simpson’s…Hit the Jump to find out When. +TatWZA

(Video) Tech Talk TV: WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Is Getting His Own Show!!!

AlllllRighty Then, Dreams obviously do come true, or Nightmares, depending on your point of view of WikiLeaks, the Website that is Infamous for Leaking Government Documents, cause it’s Founder(and the reason the Hacking Group Anonymous Starting tripping) Julian Assange is getting a TV show, Hit the Jump to see what it will be about. +TatWZA

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