Photo Credit: The Real [Screenshot]
The “transracial” woman, Rachel Dolezal, got 15 minutes of fame in 2016 when it was discovered she had been lying about being black for years. Unfortunately, the “fame” caused her to resign from her role as branch president of the NAACP, be fired from her job as an adjunct instructor at Eastern Washington University and lose her column at a local newspaper. She did not make much money elsewhere either.
Because of this, she is reportedly on the brink of homelessness.
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In a new interview with The Guardian, they report:
“Today Dolezal is jobless, and feeding her family with food stamps. A friend helped her pay this month’s rent; next month she expects to be homeless. She has applied for more than 100 jobs, but no one will hire her, not even to stack supermarket shelves. She applied for a position at the university where she used to teach, and says she was interviewed by former colleagues who pretended to have no recollection of having met her. The only work she has been offered is reality TV, and porn. She has changed her name on all her legal documents, but is still recognized wherever she goes. People point at her and laugh.”
She does say she lives with no regrets, however. She also has a book due out next month, which hopefully will get her back on her feet. According to Rachel, she wrote it to tell her side of the story, “but to also open up this dialogue about race and identity, and to just encourage people to be exactly who they are.”