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Three Cleveland police officers are believed to have been involved in the 2014 death of Tamir Rice. They are now facing internal disciplinary charges. Frank Garmback, William Cunningham, and Timothy Loehmann could lose their jobs if they are convicted.
All three officers are facing different charges. From either stemming from Rice’s shooting to the failure to disclose important incidents from their pasts. The officer who shot Rice, has now been accused of lying on his police application after failing to include the fact that he suffered an emotional breakdown at a previous job. Garmback, the officer who was behind the drivers wheel, is being accused of driving the squad car far too close to Rice, as well as for failing to report what time the officers arrived on the scene. The last officer, Cunningham, is being accused of working off-duty without permission.
“There is no question, and there has never been, that the death of Tamir Rice was tragic. Nevertheless, all agree that Officer Loehmann was not wrong in reacting the way he did. It appears that the actual charges are created to discipline him, and perhaps discharge him, despite the fact that he did nothing wrong that day.”
Source: Complex