
The drama between Tiny, T.I., and Floyd Mayweather started up again when Tiny was photographed with Mayweather at Mariah Carey’s Halloween party.  Tiny said Mariah told her to come take the photo, and she didn’t have any other interaction with Mayweather at the party.  T.I. later posted a video on his Instagram page of a dinner party where Kevin Hart was making jokes on Floyd Mayweather Sr.’s face and TMT.  Very soon after that posting, a video of Tiny dancing with Mayweather leaked on the internet, showing that Tiny’s initial statement was a lie.  Well, last night Tiny went on her Facebook page, saying she can have a male friend and insinuated that T.I. has been cheating on her for years.

Photo in the gallery above.



Tiny posted a tweet saying the Facebook page is fake, even though it was verified.  The page has since been deleted.

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