
Kanye’s endorsement of Trump broke most of the hip hop world’s jaw. Him stating that he would have voted for Trump took the world by huge surprise. Since, Trump has shown his gratitude by praising Kanye. Trump said he “will never talk bad against Kanye”. Check the video after the jump.

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Kanye west recently said that he would have voted for Trump if he voted. This has stirred up an uproar as people are feeling disgusted. I guess everybody misses the old Kanye. Since Donald Trump has responded to Kanye, praising him. Some are speculating that Kanye may just be seeking attention or hoping that Trump will dump some bread on his plate. As many may remember, mid election season Kim Kardashian as well endorsed Trump. Check out the video below.

A video posted by Baller Alert (@balleralert) on

Soucre: BA