Over the summer, Magic Johnson respectfully asked the Lakers to relieve him of his honorary title of team Vice President. That move came after reports were circulating about the potential of tampering charges against the Lakers in response to tweets he sent out about players on other teams at the time. Those players were Lebron James, Kevin Durant and DeMar DeRozan. In a recent ESPN story however, the move to demote himself didn’t work as the franchise was still fined anyway.
The story, which is mainly about the Buss family, who own the Lakers, briefly spoke on the relationship they have with Magic when the topic of the tweets and fines came up.
In May, Johnson still retained a ceremonial title as a Lakers vice president when he tweeted that Durant, DeMar DeRozan and LeBron James were potential free agents the Lakers should pursue. Outside the Lines learned this week — and confirmed with a senior Lakers official — that the NBA fined the team over Johnson’s communiques about players under contract to other teams. In June, the Lakers granted the outspoken Hall of Famer’s request to remove him from the honorary VP position.
The tweets in question were the following and were all sent on either May 1st or 2nd of this year. The first one was about DeRozan.
“Laker Nation: DeMar DeRozan should be one of the free agents we go after this summer.”
He then followed that up with the tweets about Durant.
“Laker Nation: The first free agent the Lakers should go after is Kevin Durant.”
Last but not least was the tweet about Lebron the next day
“Laker Nation: The Lakers should call LeBron James agent. We know he’s going stay in CLE but they should go after him just in case he leaves.”
Again, nothing really wrong with wanting those players on your team but it’s a big no-no to say it publicly when they are still under contract elsewhere. No word on the amount of the fine but tampering fines usually aren’t cheap.
Check the gallery for the original messages from Magic.
H/T NBC Sports