Doug Baldwin, while speaking with “60 Minutes Sports” claimed he has received numerous death threats since he demanded the attorney general for all 50 states reviews and changes their training policies for police. Ironically, for the all the morons who may have threatened Baldwin, his own father is a police officer so this is clearly not a case of having an agenda against police.
In the interview, which will air this week on Showtime, Baldwin acknowledged the threats but said it won’t stop him from pushing forward with this topic.
“I had a few,” Baldwin said, according to a transcript of the interview that was released Friday. “A couple of people told me to watch my back.”
“If something was to happen to me, I think that would just further prove my point that there are issues in our culture, in our society that need to be changed,” he said.
On Sept. 23, Baldwin called for a change in law enforcement “to eliminate militaristic cultures while putting a higher emphasis on de-escalation tactics and crisis management measures.”
“Now this is not an indictment of our law enforcement agencies,” Baldwin said. “I just want that to be clear. We know that there’s a select few — a very minute few — of law enforcement who are not abiding by those laws and policies.
“However, we also know that there are laws and policies that are in place that are not correcting the issue that we have in our society right now.”
Colin Kaepernick also said he received numerous threats after taking a stand against police brutality and using the national anthem as his platform.
Kudos to the idiots who want people to only think the same way as them and resort to threats when they don’t. It’s the American way I guess.