A 21 year old man who was given up for adoption at birth is claiming Michael Strahan is his biological father, despite having no evidence to support his theory, other than they look alike. David Brown started trying to reach out to Strahan last year and got nowhere after numerous attempts but was finally contacted by a private investigator after contacting Strahan’s parents.
Brown believes he was born after the current Good Morning America co-host slept with his biological mother before marrying his second wife, Jean Muggli, in 1999.
“I know it in my heart,” Brown told Radar. “All of the facts point in that direction. If Michael were sitting in front of me now, he would know, too. That’s why I think I got the run-around.”
At an athletic 6-feet-4 and 240 pounds, Brown bears an uncanny physical resemblance to the former All-Pro New York Giants lineman, who stands 6-feet-5 and weighs about 255 pounds. They also share the famous gap-toothed smile. So far, that’s pretty much with the resemblance and similarities end.
Brown was born at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital in New York City on Dec. 31, 1994, and immediately put up for adoption by his biological parents.
A birth certificate obtained by Radar does not list the names of those parents, only the adoptive couple who raised him — Pentecostal ministers Bobbi Brown, 67, and John Brown, 57.
But Radar was able to obtain records from the adoption agency — Spence-Chapin Adoption Services — that offer more detail.
According to the documents: “Your birth mother was 19 years old when you were born. She was very tall and slender. . . She enjoyed reading and embroidering and running track.”
“I was lying in bed and had the NFL Channel on in 2015,” he told Radar. “They were broadcasting the Giants’ Super Bowl victory over the Patriots and I kept hearing Mike’s name. Something told me, if he’s your dad, find out. So I Googled it. . . . I had this voice in my head saying, ‘Keep going. Keep looking. Keep pushing. There’s something here for you to find.’”
According to Brown, he and his parents met the P.I. at a Manhattan diner, and Strahan later agreed to a paternity test — but only at a Park Avenue lab of his choosing.
Convinced the deck was stacked against him, Brown refused.
“I felt like if Mike wanted the results to go a certain way, that was the way they would go. I thought Mike might reach out after that. He never did,” said Brown.
But Strahan’s reps insist Brown’s claims are part of a “continuing” shakedown, and that it was Brown who walked out on the DNA test. Brown says he continues to seek the truth.
“My adoptive parents are the best, but I want to look my father in the eye,” he said. “I don’t want anything. I just want to know who my family is. Do I have brothers and sisters? Everyone deserves that.”
Until the test is done there is no way to know for sure but this entire story doesn’t feel right. Why wait until 2015 to really track Strahan down if you already had a feeling he was your father?
Check the gallery to see a picture of them side by side. Just because you physically resemble someone does not mean you’re related.