Angel Monroe, former roomate of Baylee Curran has now spoken out on Curran and the incident that occurred at Chris Brown’s home. According to Monroe, Curran is known for stealing and also lying to police! So this girl is clearly a natural at story telling.

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Monroe says,

“I know she steals. I know she was obsessed with Chris Brown, she always has been. Do I think she did it for attention? Sure. Do I think Chris told her to get out? Sure, and maybe even startled her, but I truly don’t believe she was assaulted.”

Monroe says she and Curran met almost four years ago and lived together on and off. In May of 2012, they met Brow at the Billboard Music Awards. Tweets back from 2012 show that.

Monroe says things got rocky after Curran started stealing from her.

“Once things went missing, I told Baylee to leave and pack up and get the F out. She called the cops on me and threatened to tell the cops I tried to assault her.”

Sounds familiar right? Monroe says Curran also held her laptop ransom demanding $400 to get it back safely. There is another restraining order that was filed in which one of Curran’s other roommates, Roseborough was accused of assaulting her and hiring a hitman to kill her. Rosenborough is denying the claims. He wrote on a Facebook post,

“I’ve had a past encounter with Baylee Curran back in 2013. She was my roommate and also made false assault allegations against me that resulted in a restraining order that forced me out of my own home for a month. She never even took her allegations seriously enough to show up in court when it came time to. Whole thing went away, didn’t have merit, but my whole life was still turned upside down for a month. She’s been pulling this BS for years now.”

Monroe says she and Curran fell out over petty jealousy over jobs, men, and looks.

“We had a lot of fun and we are still polite to each other as we were best friends, but I could never trust living with her again or trust her around my valuables as many of my personal diamonds went missing and that still haunts me, my personal experience being robbed. I’m not saying Chris couldn’t have handled the situation better, but if I could do it again I would have protected my diamonds better.”

Source: Complex