IFWT_White Supremacist
An interracial couple was stabbed in Olympia, Washington by a self-proclaimed white supremacist.

OliJawn; Twitter || Instagram

Daniel Rowe, the self-proclaimed white supremacist seen an interracial man and woman kissing at a bar around 8:30pm and that’s when he went in to make his move. The 47 year-old black man has a stab wound to the abdomen and the 35 year-old woman had a “superficial knife wound”. These injuries weren’t life threatening however so they will be ok. It was said that Rowe attacked the couple because they kissed.

Rowe walked up to them on the sidewalk without saying a word and pulled the knife out to stab them. The police also say he yelled out a racial slur during the attack. The police were able to catch Rowe after the male victim “tripped him up” after being wounded. New report documents also revealed that he has tattoos that read “White Power”, “Skinhead”, and “Hooligan” over the confederate flag.

The court documents on this guy is scary.

Rowe: “took a blood oath to fight on the street, and if he was let go tonight, he planned on heading down to the next Donald Trump rally and stomping out more of the Black Lives Matter group.” The documents further stated that Rowe said “he knew we [police] couldn’t hurt the black groups on the street so he wanted to let us know that he takes care of them for us. That he is able to fight those fights and will continue the fight against all of the Black Lives Matters people.”

Rowe is in Thurston County Jail on two charges of first degree assault and possible malicious harassment or “hate crimes”.
