
Not too long ago, Meek Mill admitted that the 29 year-old has been on probation since he was 18! His Philly residents did not like to hear that one bit. Needless to say, they got his back.

Dilson Hernandez: Facebook | Instagram

In the midst of the Freddie Gray controversy, Meek Mill took to his Instagram and explained why he was (and still is!) on probation:

Lips swollen …. Stitches in both swollen eyes! One of my braids ripped out! I weighed about 130 at the time And I was found guilty of assaulting cops! It's clear 2 see I was punched and stomped by a few cops! If I wasn't blessed the way I am I still would have hatred in my heart towards cops but I forgave bcuz I know all cops ain't the same! 2 "black cops" got on the stand and lied and cried about how I chased them down with a gun and tried to kill them! I caught that case at 18 and was stripped of my freedom and taken away from my family 4 times for the same case and still on probation.. 1 step away from jail if I make one mistake! I can't blame my judge because the law labels cops as "expert witnesses" and it was cops against a black kid and she's suppose to believe a cops testimony first!! I never got a chance to speak to my judge about this from young man to woman and I hope she sees this to help other young men that won't b able to make it thru what I made it thru! After I caught the case I had no choice to hustle in the streets to get a good lawyer aka a good liar to help me get my freedom!

A photo posted by Meek Mill (@meekmill) on

Does the city of Philadelphia love Meek Mill enough to protest in his defense? Absolutely. But, this is more than just Meek Mill. These protests are assembled to fight our flawed criminal justice system. Meek was just an example; a person of color falsely convicted and who is still struggling with the repercussions 12 years later.

It doesn’t matter if you’re rich like Meek Mill or if you’re the poorest of the poor, anyone deemed dark enough could still fall victim under the criminal justice system. This is what brought protestors to the streets of Philadelphia with signs saying,

Stop Probation Abuse, End Meek’s Probation.

12 Years of probation? Enough is Enough.

Power to the people.
