
Four years after Chicago decriminalizes weed it’s home state did excatly the same.
Illinois residents who get caught with up to 10 grams or less will no longer have to face jail time, the most a person will get as a consequence is a fine up to $200.

Illinois is the 21st state to enact a marijuana decriminalization policy.

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The bill passed just this Friday will go into effect immediately and will expunge offenders records biannually to prevent them from permanently possessing a criminal record.

“We applaud Gov. Raunner and the legislature for replacing Illinois’s needlessly draconian marijuana possession law with a much more seasonable policy. This commonsense legislation will prevent countless citizens from having their lives turned upside down by a marijuana possession arrest,” Chris Lindsey, senior Legislative counsel for the marijuana policy project said in a recent statement released Friday.

Before the law was passed, those found with even 2.5 gram of weed would face a minimum of 30 days in jail plus a 1$1,500 fine, but if you had anywhere in between 2,5 – 10 grams you could face up to 6 months of jail time, talk about everyone in that city catching a major break!

Of course it is now common knowledge that weed curses multiple illnesses one of them well known as cancer, stay woke my Friends!