Way to go Melo! This is what we need! Activism and celebrities using their status for the betterment of police-community relations! Keep reading to see what Anthony had to say.
Carmelo met with police, youth, male and female members of local basketball teams and community leaders at a local Boys And Girls Club in Los Angeles in an effort to bring about dialogue. Melo spoke, along others and then they broke into smaller groups with a representative from each organization to openly discuss issues weighing on all of them.
Anthony said the conversation was productive, starting with basic advice for the youth in the room—ranging from about 13 to 25 years old—on how to behave and communicate with officers respectfully and avoid escalated encounters. He also suggested that police departments around the country could do more to acknowledge when they’ve made mistakes.
“We know the officers are a very united front, but when things [happen], I don’t think we need that,” Anthony said. “We just need more frank dialogue.”
It looks as though things went well. I mean, it’s all about communication, understanding, and respect, right?