Looks like the reality TV curse has gotten its latest victims. After many years, two children, tattoos of each other’s names and a stint on Love & Hip-Hop together, Omarion and Apryl Jones have called it quits.
Apryl announced the split on Twitter last night, and was immediately met with a flood of comments speculating on what happened. Some thought perhaps Omarion kicked her to the curb because she’d tweeted in support of #AllLivesMatter in Fetty Wap’s defense over the weekend, some thought there was some infidelity, and some thought it was perhaps because she never got a ring/proposal from her longtime boyfriend. According to both parties, it’s none of the above.
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The above is from Apryl‘s Snapchat, and in the gallery, Omarion addressed it on Instagram. I’m sad to see these two separate, but I’m happy that it seems amicable, as there are two small babies involved. Let’s hope it can stay this positive!