With all the love going around for fathers day Ayesha Curry chimed in with some lover of her own. She took to the Gram to show show her hubby Steph some love. She put up a collage with steph and the kids with a caption that said:
Happy Father’s Day to my darling husband. You are the most humble, happy and caring person I know. The thing I love most is that regardless of what happens in your professional life you come home the same happy go lucky husband and father ready to just be there. I love that you can get on the floor and play with the girls, take over bed time duties and simply be present with our girls. Not to mention the random princess tea parties that can happen at any moment and you always oblige. We love you so much dada!!!
Peep the pics in the gallery after the jump.
By: BreadFox Instagram || Twitter
With all the negative controversy that Ayesha has been getting into with her social media accounts my heart drops whenever she posts. It seemed like her social perspective was close to taking a negative light but luckily it was a false alarm. It’s good to see her getting back to posting the things that let her capture our hearts.
Source: IG