Back in March, 20-year-old porn star Teanna Trump got caught with 6lbs of weed in Oklahoma – and apparently (and not surprisingly) they have some pretty strict weed laws there. Actually I don’t know if 6lbs is an obnoxious amount because I know nothing about weed, so don’t listen to me about whether it’s strict or not… LOL.
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Anywhoo, Teanna – real name Keanna Jones – appeared in court yesterday to face a judge, and has been sentenced to 180 days behind bars on 2 counts of possession with intent to distribute. She had a feeling it wouldn’t go well, as she tweeted before heading to court:
“I am going to court today. Hopefully everything goes ok. If not I’ll be in jail the remainder of the year [exasperated emoji] Hopefully I’ll be back on here later. I don’t deserve to go to jail [exasperated emoji]”
If it’s any consolation to her, she’ll at least be free by December, so it’s technically not “the remainder of the year.” Either way, such a waste of our resources. It’s weed!