SMFH! Racist lady goes off on two black cops.
Dilson Hernandez: Facebook | Instagram
This isn’t your typical race-related story involving police. Usually it’s the other way around (the racist cop deals with the young black male). Now, we’re given a new narrative to shake our heads to: racist white woman repeatedly yells the n-word to black police officers, SMH.
She could’ve possibly been on one. Thats what it looks like, as she throws her stuff, like a lamp, all around the sidewalk. I’m surprised they didn’t arrest her sooner for public indecency. But eventually they do.
You gotta give it up to the cops for their patience. She had the nerve to sing a song containing the lyric…
“You are my fucking nigger slave!”
And also getting right at the face of one of the police officers singing
“You not gonna wear me down nigga nigga nigga. You not gonna wear me down nigga nigga nigga”
Smh, when are people going to learn?