There has been speculation regarding whether Prince left a will or not, and his sister has just confirmed that he has not. Tyga has officially filed legal documents to open a probate case, asking the judge to appoint a “special administrator” for his estate, since there is no executor named in a will.
Under Minnesota law, assets of someone without a will are to be divided equally amongst their next of kin, and full and half siblings are treated the same. This would mean that there are 6 people set to inherit Prince’s fortune – Tyka, his only full sibling, and his 5 half-siblings John, Norrine, Sharon, Alfred and Omarr. And could it be possible that Prince was a father?
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“The decedent has heirs whose identities and addresses need to be determined,” the documents read. Hmm!
Tyka names Bremer Trust, National Association, as who she wants to serve as the official administrator of the estate, as they have provided financial services to Prince for years.
Source: TMZ