Katt Williams has been finding a home in the headlines recentrly for all the wrong reasons. Now he finds himself in the headlines again. Williams has been banned from all public housing developments in the state of Georgia. This is stemming from the fight he got into with a 14 year old boy. I cant make these things up. More information on the madness after the jump.
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Katt Williams is no stranger to headlines. Whether it be smacking a target working, pimp slapping a woman, or even getting beat up by a 14 year old kid, Katt is diverse in the L’s that he takes. Well today he receives “Another One”, another L to add to his very promising list of L’s in 2016. This time the provider of this loss is a familiar opponent, the Georgia Court System. The Georgia courts have seen Katt too many times this year and it seems like they are fed up with his foolishness. The judge has banned Katt Williams from all public funded housing in the state of Georgia. This coming after he assaulted and was beat up by a 14 year old boy in the peach state. Lets hope this trend of Katt being in the head lines for the wrong reasons ends real soon. He is a very talented individual who will be considered one of the greats when its all said and done.