A mother in Vietnam had to have her fraternal twins genetically tested because one came out with “thin, straight hair” and the the other with “lush, wavy hair” and the father was pretty confused about it. Lol! Come to find out the twins don’t have the same father.

Check out the rest of this story after the jump.

Instagram | Carli Knox

Looks like one mom has some serious explaining to do. One mom Vietnam had her twins genetically tested and found out the children were fathered by two different men. After being constantly prodded by family members inquiring about the twins’ vastly different appearances, the 2-year-olds underwent a paternity test, to shocking results. While the two shared a mother, they were bipaternal, meaning the twins were fathered by two different men within the same ovulation cycle.

Family members were suspicious because of the twins different appearances. Although they were fraternal twins (not identical), their lack of similarities were well noticed. As the two grew up, one had very thin, straight hair, while the other had lush, wavy hair. The family’s concern prompted the 34-year-old father (well, one of them) and mother to bring the twins to the Center for Genetic Analysis and Technologies in Hanoi, Vietnam — where they found the twins to be half siblings.

Hmmmmm…..this mom better start expalining lol. Comment below and let us know what you think.

Source: Bossip