IFWT_Langston Attickus Dolezal

In case you missed it, the infamous former NAACP leader, Rachel Dolezal gave birth to a healthy baby boy Tuesday February 16th, 2016. While, Dolezal has kept the ethnicity of her baby’s father under wraps, she gave the newborn a name with strong Black roots.

Dolezal named her third child, Langston Attickus Dolezal, after black poet and civil rights activist Langston Hughes and “To Kill a Mockingbird’s” Atticus Finch. While many were outraged at her choice of name for the baby, the executor of the Langston Hughes’ estate thinks the name is perfect!

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TMZ reports after speaking with Arnold Rampersad – executor of Hughes’ estate, he thinks the famed Civil Rights leader would have loved the name. He explained that Hughes’ often wrote about sexual relations between different races and could understand and relate to the “pains of what used to be called a ‘voluntary Negro'”, meaning a white person who chooses to fight for black rights.

He even went as far as comparing Dolezal to Walter Francis White, who lead the NAACP for 24 years, a mixed man who outwardly appeared to be white.

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