Apparently Tila Tequila’s friend wasn’t too comfortable with her using the ‘N’ word. Tila feels like she can say the word whenever she wants. I mean why not? Nicki Minaj says it right? HA! She seems to think popular music gives her a hallpass to say the ‘N’word which I don’t think it does.

Kayy: Instagram || Twitter

Tila says,

“Someone I know who’s obviously NOT from Houston told me I need 2 stop saying the N word.”

She went on to say,

“You can’t expect people of all races 2 listen to popular music and not have the N word embedded into their heads….. but that’s my opinion. Example: Nicki Minaj has a song where she says “N****” over 100 times and has violent gun visuals 2 the music video! What outcome did you expect?”

Hmmm! Well thats interesting!

Source: VLADTV