Good Samaritans do still exist, and believe it or not many are right in New York City. Passengers of the A-Train headed towards Brooklyn caught a touching video of another passenger identified as “Jay” hand over the shirt off of his back and the hat off of his head to a shirtless and shivering homeless man who was also on the subway.
See the video after the jump!
Nae Bella | Twitter
Miren este Video Wow ???? Este hombre se merese muchas bendisiones por la buena accion que Hizo ?? Dios Lo bendiga amen☺️ y aPrendan ? y Lo hizo sin esperar nada acambio ????☺️ nesesitamos más personas como el ? SI ALGUIEN LO CONOSE ETIQuETELO ? ??? God bless him
Posted by Läzaro El Feo on Friday, January 8, 2016
As many may know, their is a homeless crisis in NYC and as temperatures steadily drop many lives are put at risk of hypothermia and other weather related illnesses. It is always great to see people helping one another out and remember: just like there is bad karma, there is also good karma so be good to those around and give a helping hand when you can.
How do you help out those in need/ Let us know in the comments.
See pictures of the good deed in the gallery!