The man accused of the Planned Parenthood massacre this weekend is indeed a twist individual and what makes matters worse is that he’s everything you’d dream about in your nightmares: a real disturbing person. 57 years old, Robert Dear did not only speaking to no one but purposely isolated himself from society… all the makings of something evil.
In wake of the surprising, and terrifying shooting that took place this weekend, we were lucky enough to have the gunman capture before he could do the typical “cop out” most gunman try to do post their murders: killing themselves. This one was entirely different however as not only was the gunman stopped in his tracks before reigned any more lead showers on innocent lives but was even captured and arrested. The heavily-armed gunman shot dead three and injured nine at a Planned Parenthood clinic is a 57-year-old from North Carolina named Robert Lewis Dear. Dear was wearing a trench coat and hunting cap while carrying a long gun when he was planning to do the killings. He apparently never gave any hint of any political views when he ate his meals at the only cafe in the isolated town of Hartsel, eight miles from his remote cabin. Not surprising however, Dear had a sick past: public records from South Carolina show that Dear was charged with cruelty to animals for an incident where he shot a dog and was charged with being a peeping Tom, eavesdropping or peeping in 2002 for an incident after ‘making unwanted advancements’ towards a woman and being seen in the bushes by her house. In addition to that, this demon did horrible things to even his wife, one of them being in 1997, where his wife also called police for a domestic violence incident where she says he locked her out of their house and pushed her out a window when she entered. One man whose windshield was shattered by gunfire during the incident this weekend said he was able to drive away after he saw the assailant’s ‘cold stone face’.
Three died in the incident and one of the deaths was an officer, the officer was identified as 44-year-old Garrett Swasey, a six-year veteran of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs police force and a married father-of-two. The officer who was shot dead traveled to the scene in response to a report that an officer was under fire and in need of support. He and his wife Rachel have a young son and daughter, Elijah, 10, and Faith, six. Scott Dontanville – a co-pastor with officer Swasey at Hope Chapel who knew the man for 15 years- said he was a guy who worked full-time as a police officer, and then gave a great amount of time to his local church and didn’t get a dime for it. Definitely a man who was a blessing to many, only to have is life cut short by a man was everything but a blessing.
Source: The Daily Mail
The NY Times