It’s a man’s world (in my James Brown voice), and that held some truth in 1966 when the record was made, however, Jimmy Iovine forgot that when he made a some comments during the Thursday taping of CBS This Morning. The producer and co-founder of Interscope Records appeared on the television show and mentioned that “some women” find difficultly in finding music. In other words, they’re not very tech savvy; and yes, he’s getting much backlash for it.
Hit the jump for more.
JaaiR (JR)
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Iovine, who appeared on the show with Mary J. Blige, was asked by CBS host Gayle King about the intended message of some Apple Music commercials, which featured Blige, Kerry Washington, and Taraji P. Henson.
“So I always knew that women find it very difficult at times, some women, to find music,” Iovine said. “And [Apple Music] helps makes it easier with playlists — but they’re curated by real people. They’re not made by algorithms alone – they’re made by algorithms but with a human touch.”
Social media (of course) is calling the comments sexist, while that wasn’t the intent.
Watch the clip below.
Mary swooped in and saved Iovine with her remarks.
“It was a genius idea to have girls — because that’s what we do, when we get together we listen to music, we talk about life, love, marriage. You know, things like that. So it was just beautiful to have Jimmy choose me to be a part of their world and them be a part of mine.”
Check out the gallery for more.
#IJS: From the perspective of a woman with no stake in the Apple commercials, I have absolutely no trouble finding music. If I can’t find a piece of music, it’s not on the Internet; it’s trapped in someone’s basement; it’s just not there to be found. It anything, the older generation has more difficulty than the women demographic. Some people are stuck in the flip age.
SOURCE: AppleInsider