Tomorrow over 2000 Mormons will protest recent church policy changes in Salt Lake City, Utah. Their plan is to leave the church entirely because officials ruled that children of same-sex couples cannot get baptized until they turn 18. Hit the jump for more.

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The Church of the Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormon church, says LGBT couples go directly against the church and what it stands for. While everyone has different opinions in church, somehow parishioners accepted this. However, many said the church went too far by deciding earlier this month that even children of LGBT couples must be punished.

Tomorrow, over 1000 Mormons confirmed they will protest en masse by resigning from the church in Salt Lake City. A facebook page exists for the event.

Resigning from the Mormon church involves paperwork and resignation forms. Upward of 2000 Mormons already contacted Utah attorney Mark Naugle to start the process. Naugle volunteered to do the paperwork pro bono, for free.

At least 1000 Mormons have their paperwork finished. Tomorrow they will drop it in a mailbox near the church all together. Insiders indicate that already the Mormon church lost close to 1 million parishioners because of its stance on LGBT couples following Prop 8 in California.

Source: BBC