After sending inappropriate pictures of themselves, students at Cañon City High School have now prompted a felony investigation by police.
Read more after the jump.
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“It has come to the attention of the Cañon City School District that a number of our students have engaged in behavior where they take and pass along pictures of themselves that expose private parts of their bodies or their undergarments,”
Said Cañon City High School officials in a statement released after an anonymous tipsters called Colorado’s Safe2Tell hotline regarding a sexting scandal in their school.
Police are now investigating to find out if any underaged students were led into taking these photos and if any adults were involved.
Very serious class 3 felony charges can be made if students have took
“a picture of themselves showing a naked private body part and sent it to another person, have received such a picture and forwarded it to another person, or have received such a picture and retained possession of it over time,”
said a school official.
As of right now police investigators have at least one phone with several hundred images on it and according to CNN, Chief Paul D. Schultz with the police investigation team says it is still early in the investigation but they will be identifying the people in the photos.
The school has stated that “a large number” of players from the high school football team seem to be involved in the accusations and because of that
“stepping on the field to play this weekend to represent the Cañon City community is just not an option,”
adding on
“We realize this decision will unfairly penalize many of our fine young men who clearly did not participate in these actions,”
No matter what is uncovered in the investigating students will be held accountable for their actions says the school and according to CNN parents have been encouraged to talk directly to their children about sexting.
Source: CNN