
There may be a thousand fake Nicki Minaj’s walking around for Halloween, but only one Queen can slay the real thing. Check out our girl Nicki Minaj for Halloween celebrating in Las Vegas with friends. Not just any costume party! Wait till you hear how much was the prize for best costume.

A video posted by Nicki Minaj (@nickiminaj) on

Last night for the Eve of Halloween all the beautiful ladies of Vegas made their way to the infamous 1 Oak. The Head Barb Miss Nicki Minaj Hosted the Haunted Funhouse and get this! 10 Thousand dollars went to the sexiest costume! I wonder who was the lucky winner but from what we all say Nicki Slayed!

“I’m a Fairy Fkng Princess” read the caption under the gorgeous gem’d out Fairy Princess Costume. Wearing her crown and waving her wand as she should , the world let Nicki know how beautiful she looked. One person even commented saying “Are you sure this is a costume? you always look like a princess” Happy Halloween!

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