
This past month McDonald’s blessed us all with something we have been waiting for……ALL DAY BREAKFAST! Since the popular fast food restaurant added this amazing addition to their menu they could possibly be adding something that some of us might appreciate. See what it could be after the jump.

Instagram | Carli Knox

I think it is safe to say that we all love McDonald’s french fries. I honestly don’t think my mother has made anything better than fries from McDonald’s (sorry ma), but a potential new menu item could change your Micky D’s order in the future! The very oh so popular fast food chain restaurant has recently announced that they will be testing sweet potato fries as a side in select restaurants! This change comes as part of Micky D’s new “Create Your Taste” dining experience a fast-casual option popular in competing restaurants like Chipotle! I think we are all giving McDonald’s the okay for this change. How do you feel about the new possible menu item?

Source: Perez Hilton CNN