
After his presentation of the Yeezy Season 2 Collection at New York Fashion Week, Kanye West sat down with Vogue’s contributing editor Andre Leon Talley to talk all things Yeezy, including his latest collection, big ol’ butts and fatherhood.

Hit the jump for more.

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According to Kanye, the biggest change from Yeezy Season 1 to his latest collection appropriately titled, Yeezy Season 2 is his development. Kanye West dished:

“Just development…Developing my language. I can say what I’m doing is getting closer into what I’m dreaming about…I like form. I like shape. It’s one way you express yourself during a presentation like this. But I like all people and I try to demonstrate that by casting. I want to demonstrate that I can learn and follow through the rules of fashion, so that I can work with amazing people. I want to work with the highest level of people in fashion.”

He also revealed how fatherhood has had an effect on his concept of fashion. He said, “It’s definitely about being as relaxed as possible. And being able to swing my daughter around and be able to run the pony camera.”

Check out the full interview below.

Source HNHH