
They ask us why we hustle. To feed are families; to take care of our households; to pay our bills on time just like every other American. The only problem is, there’s isn’t enough jobs and opportunities for everyone.

After releasing a hip-hop figure’s perspective on what’s happening in America, via ‘Pastor Young’s Letter“, Jeezy released a fan-made visual for the inspiring piece. The visual depicts images of marches, protests, arrests, struggling families, and more around the world as the piano plays and Jeezy reads off his letter.

Check it out down bottom.

JaaiR (JR)
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More of Jeezy’s letter [read the full piece in the gallery at the top]:

I would like to take this time to address the Street Disciples and Congregation to express my concerns and frustrations on what’s going on in our communities all over the world today.

With the poverty level at an all time high, it’s damn near impossible for one to take care of him or herself without the possibility of prison or death. You have law enforcement officials gunning down unarmed black men. You have misinformed young men gunning down unarmed women, children and men in churches, movie theaters and public events. There’s a war going on, but you have to ask yourself, who is the enemy?

They ask why you black males are so militant? My answer to that would be because they are making us soldiers. Soldiers in a war on humanity. We have nothing to lose and everything to fight for. We are fighting for our people; we are fighting for our right to live.

We die to claim our streets and hoods when we don’t own as much as a mail box. That tells me one thing – If we all were on the same page and had the same cause, there is nothing in the world we can’t change or make happen.

The justice piece as well as his latest single “God” are leading up to the Nov. 13th release of the Georgia rapper’s next album. Something to blast for sure.