IFWT_Curt Schilling

Curt Schilling believes radical Muslims are as serious of a threat to the world as the Nazis and says the numbers prove it.

The former Boston Red Sox pitcher just posted a meme to Twitter which says, “It’s said only 5-10% Muslims are extremists. In 1940 only 7% of Germans were Nazis. How’d that go?!”

He added a comment that read, “The math is staggering when you get to true #’s.”

The insinuation is that Islam is heading down the same path as the Nazi party and it won’t end well.

Schilling only had the post up for about 10 minutes but as you know once you post something to the Internet it’s there forever.  There isn’t really any deleting.

Schilling’s post has been making the rounds and people are fired up.

*photo in gallery above*

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source: TMZ Sports