
Uh-Oh! The presidential candidate, Waka Flocka, seems to be in trouble! Waka Flocka’s video shoot was interrupted after neighbors called the cops!

Can’t anyone have peace. The trap star just wanted to send out new heat to worrisome fans. But of course, the cops always have to get involved and ruin a good thing. Flocka was heavily focused and working on his newest single “workin” and then cops interrupted. The neighbors complained about the noise, as usual. The cops showed up to have a word with Flocka about the use of profanity during filming. Surprisingly, the taping quietly ended with respect and no arrest. Glad that turned out well and we don’t have to hear another hash tagged story on CNN.

Waka did have all the correct permits to shoot the video and even cooperated with police. I guess Waka had to shoot his video elsewhere. Either way, our visual eyes will be in for a surprise. What are your thoughts? Do you think the neighbors are petty? Do you think it was right to shut the video shoot down? Well, hopefully we will hear and see new fire from the Trap King.Otherwise, Waka Flocka is still overwhelmed by the presidential election!

Twitter: @foreverrhopeful