
Just when we thought we’d be getting a nice late-night delight via our television screens after hearing that Uncut was making a return to cable TV, we got punked.

After getting the entire world super hyped, late-night on Tuesday the network took to their Instagram page to say:

“Got ‘Em!!! You didn’t really think #BETUncut was coming back…Did you!? #PunkdBET @destorm @kingbach”

SMH, that is NOT RIGHT!!!!!

Jazlana: Twitter || Instagram

However we are getting something new out of BET – their own version of the show Punk’d. I’m guessing they felt it was necessary to use us as bait for their first experiment. WELP, good job because it sure worked!

I’m still over here waiting for “Tip Drill” to come on… not fair man, not fair!