Initially, Starz series Survivor’s Remorse was touted as being “inspired by LeBron James.” Gradually, leading up to the series’ premiere his role was redefined, and eventually he was largely treated as a silent executive producer with a big name. Well, it looks like James will be more involved for season two, including making his first guest appearance on the show.
The first season of Remorse had its ups and downs but was mostly an entertaining, funny and flashy six episode run. Mike Epps and Erica Ash were especially fun as main character Cam Calloway’s uncle and sister respectively, providing most of the series’ comic relief. The second season will be given an additional four episodes to fully flesh out the story of Cam and his family’s new life after his lucrative new contract kicks in.
James’ increased involvement may mean the network and Cavaliers’ star has more confidence in the show after its initial run, or he’s just more comfortable showing off his acting chops after his star turn in Amy Schumer’s Trainwreck this summer. Either way, LeBron’s presence, and the publicity that comes with it, will surely be a welcomed addition for the network and fans alike, especially with HBO’s star-studded Ballers bumping their way into the Entourage: Sports lane this year.
Survivor’s Remorse returns August 22 9:30 p.m. on Starz.