Guys Get Shot At While Talking Sh*t On Camera
In the middle of recording a video talking all types of shit, portraying themselves as “about that life”, the two men were shot at as soon as he mad a gun reference. Hop into the post to see for yourself #IFWT!
Guys Get Shot At While Talking Sh*t On Camera
So in the video you can see these two men in long white T-shirts bumping music and drinking soda on their porch recording a video talking all types of shit.
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Saying things like “this is real life, no play” and “better getting caught with it then caught without it. It almost looks like their auditioning for a 2005 Smack DVD cameo. In the Middle of the one guy talking about how gangsta he is gun shots get aimed and fired right on their little video set as life gets as “real life” as it possibly can. Guys Get Shot At While Talking Sh*t On Camera .
There is no say on where these guys are from because it looks like they didn’t get to record that scene yet, but as it seems they are safe , one claims that he was caught by a bullet. Towards the end of the video you can hear him saying “I got hit bruh.”
Moral of the story is, keep your shit talking videos inside because somebody may shoot you on your porch. #IFWT!
Watch the video of the Guys Get Shot At While Talking Sh*t On Camera below!
Guys Get Shot At While Talking Sh*t On Camera