Floyd Mayweather once said women are like cars, you should have as many as you can maintain. Well he has a bevy of luxury cars in his collection and a stable of women as well. After breaking things off with his former fiancee Shantel Jackson, Doralie Medina aka Bad Medina took over as his main girl. Medina must’ve sensed that one of the girls in the stable is trying to step up and take her place because she’s been throwing several shots on her Instagram account.
Introducing Liza Hernandez…
I’m sure you’ve seen Mayweather post her before. Well Liza posted a blurry picture of what looks like her and Floyd Mayweather kissing in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Not sure when the picture was taken but it wasn’t that recent, maybe Liza was trying to ruffle Medina’s feathers as she’s been throwing shots on her Instagram page for a couple days now…
Sigh I don’t see the point in fighting over a man that you and everyone knows you’re sharing but whatever… Being sister wives must be difficult situation but they all know what they signed up for. It’s amazing what women will put up with for a rich and famous man.
*photos in gallery above*
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