The “Wire” was a hot and buzzing show in the past and still remains a prominent factor till this day. Ya’ll already know there is an all new reunion of the show soon. You guys can’t even guess which cast member says working on set was pure torture!
Sonjah Sohn’s played a detective on the wire named Kima for a whole five seasons. So many altercations and events occurred that even made Sonjah want to quit for the first season. Basically, Sonjah went through so many trials and tribulations taping The Wire. Sonjah new she had a greater purpose in being a character on the show. Sonjah stated:
“I definitely almost quit, and I stayed because something inside me was telling me that my role on is show was part of a larger purpose I had in life. And despite the fact that going to work everyday was like torture,I had to complete this assignment because it was apart of a bigger picture in my life that I couldn’t see. I didn’t care about the money.”
These days she fulfills her dreams by creating a non profit organization in Baltimore called “Rewired For Change” which uplifts inner city youth! She found her calling ! How dope!
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