These things used to happen off Craigslist, but there’s a new creep site in town, Backpage.com. Classified as a ‘Classifieds’ website, much like Craigslist, sexcapades and all…actually the sex(hooker) trade is blowing up on there!!

Tat Wza

So we have these geniuses that decided to get a backpage THOT(I think this word is appropriate in this situation), and screw her on tape;

Click Here for Mobile

I agree with some people, the camera guy is nervous for this angles!

Just to let you know how it really goes down on Backpage, we found this video of a guy ‘saving a hooker’ whom was ordered through…yup, Backpage.com;

Aside from him playing ‘Captain Save-a-hoe’, it was pretty easy to get a girl to meet up with him, and she admits the cops ae watching the page, SO…my advice, stay the F*** away from there or you may get caught up!!