
Back in December it was reported that Cuba Gooding would be playing Oj Simpson in the new FX series American Crime Story. Recently, some pictures of the cast were released and it looks like a good job was done as far as casting goes. Click more to check out the story!

In what will definitely have a lot of viewers tuned in, FX is currently working on the production of an episode of American Crime Story that will feature The People V.S OJ Simpson. Cuba Gooding Jr was casted as OJ some pictures from the set have recently hit the internet.

Gooding, who has stared in a number of movies over the years, will tackle the role of Simpson in this television series but just how well will he do? This is definitely a different type of role that we are not used to seeing Gooding play so it will be interesting to watch out it plays out on the screen. The remaining players of the cast have also been leaked and it looks like a pretty decent job was done.

The American Crime Story Players…

Besides the cast seeming to be good fits for the players involved in the OJ trial era, we will have to wait and see how well the production turns out on television.

