Gilbert Arenas is still firing shots at an old foe, this time pretending to completely forget who Javaris Crittenton is. It is pretty hard to forget the only teammate in your professional career to ever pull a gun on you in the locker room, but obviously Gilbert is trolling.
The two made headlines together back in 2009 … when they pulled guns on each other in the Washington Wizards locker room.
But Arenas tells TMZ Sports he’s erased Javaris from his memory — saying there’s no chance he’ll visit the guy because … “Why would I need to be reminded of prison for? I’ve seen ‘Locked Up,’ it’s not a nice place.”
Crittenton was recently sentenced to 23 years in prison for his role in a drive by shooting in 2011 that left an innocent bystander dead. Won’t be surprised if a lot more people forget who he is soon.