Joe La Puma is back with another Complex sneaker shopping episode this time Joe La Puma & Complex take there show to the Bronx & they call upon the BX own Fat Joe they then visit BX sports which is a popular sneaker store in the Bronx. While shopping for kicks Joe Lapuma & Fat Joe discuss the sneaker game past present and future. They also discuss the state of the sneaker game now being that a lot more athletes have there own signature sneaker do you think anyone will be as popular as Michael Jordan?. Fat Joe also states that while he was in prison he was the only person that had jordan slide slippers. Fat Joe also goes on to state that he recommends fellow sneaker collectors stock up on the Air Jordan 3 because we wont see the Jordan three for ten years or so. Peep The Video To See What Fat Joe Copps At Bx Sports After The Jump….
Written By: Sayitwityakickz