
The #BaltimoreRiots happening right now, have been a cause for many to speak. Everyone has had an opinion, whether for the riots or against them, citizens and rappers such as King Los and even Philadelphian Meek Mill have something to say. Now, the cast of the Baltimore-based show ‘The Wire‘ are speaking out with the host that the nonsense ends.

Wendell Pierce and Andre Royo both hit Twitter to announce what they call the people who turned a peaceful protest in the death of Freddie Grey into acts of ignorance. The show’s creator, David Simon also takes to his blog to voice an opinion.

“Yes, there is a lot to be argued, debated, addressed,” Simon says (wow). “And this moment, as inevitable as it has sometimes seemed, can still, in the end, prove transformational, if not redemptive for our city. Changes are necessary and voices need to be heard. All of that is true and all of that is still possible, despite what is now loose in the streets.

For more, hit the jump.

JaaiR (JR)
Twitter | Instagram

But now — in this moment — the anger and the selfishness and the brutality of those claiming the right to violence in Freddie Gray’s name needs to cease. There was real power and potential in the peaceful protests that spoke in Mr. Gray’s name initially, and there was real unity at his homegoing today. But this, now, in the streets, is an affront to that man’s memory and a dimunition of the absolute moral lesson that underlies his unnecessary death.

If you can’t seek redress and demand reform without a brick in your hand, you risk losing this moment for all of us in Baltimore. Turn around. Go home. Please.”

For more on what the cast had to say, check out the gallery above.
