Back in 1977, Willie Nelson was good friends with then president, Jimmy Carter. Two days after being released from the Bahamian jail for possession of marijuana, he was at the White House hanging out with a friend who worked there. After a walk around the house, the two reached the roof and sparked a joint.

In Willie Nelson’s memoir “It’s A Long Story,” he explains his life and how it lead to him becoming an iconic musician, and also an iconic pot smoker. Since a youngster, Nelson always loved to smoke. It didn’t really matter what he smoked, but it turned into a fixation of smoking cigarettes. In the beginning, Nelson didn’t want anything to do with marijuana.

When Willie seen the movie ‘Reefer Madness,’ he was a little worried that marijuana would turn him crazier than he believed he already was. So, Willie tried to become a drinker… until he realized that drinking was not for him.

He writes, “Booze emboldened me. Brought out the fighter. And on more occasions than I wish to remember, the fighter picked on guys bigger than him.”

By the 1970’s, he realized that tabacco and alcohol was not the route for him to live. He continued to smoke marijuana as it went alongside his lifestyle.

My love affair with pot became a long-term marriage,” he writes.

Nelson eventually turns into the long haired, pot smoking, bandana wearing musician that everyone knows him to be. He gives a lot of credit to marijuana in his longevity in music, sanity and his overall life.

Check out Willie’s latest song about ‘Pot’;

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