In the midst of Bobbi Kristina, affectionately known as “Krissy” starts the long journey of recovery, the true story of the events leading up to her demise continue to unravel. Nick Gordon’s brother, Jack Walker sat down with extra to discuss the unadulterated events that contributed to Krissy’s state, including alleging that Whitney used drugs with both, Nick and Bobbi Kristina.
It’s no secret that Bobbi Kristina has battled with substance abuse problems and after Nick Gordons interview with Dr.Phil it was apparent he’s batteling his own demons as well. Nicks brother sat down with Extra and spoke out on the horrifying events that led these 2 young adults in a downward spiral.
He doesn’t say that the current situation is entirely Whitney’s fault but he does say she condoned the behavior and sometimes participated with them. Jack said,
“I would be on the phone with Nick,” “and I can hear Whitney asking for the stuff … same stuff they were doing.”
Jack whom first introduced Bobbi Kristina and Nick admitted that he warned his brother to slow down with the drugs. He says their drug use made him very uncomfortable and because of it he started seeing them less often. He alleges that drugs have been a staple in Bobbi Kristina and Nick’s life for a while, long before Whitney passed.
When asked to recall his brothers side of what happened to Krissy he says,
“I mean, I knew how depressed [Bobbi Kristina] was, I knew [about her] drug use. I mean, all that mixed together with arguments is never, never good.”
Later in the interview, he’s asked if he thinks this was a suicide attempt and he said “personally I do”.
Watch Jacks full interview with Extra below.
Source: Extra