The future of wearable technology is very bright. Italian eyewear maker Luxottica has confirmed that they are working with Google on the second generation of the futuristic pair of glasses. Luxottica is better known for being the company behind Oakley and Ray-ban so you can imagine the design of Google Glass 2.0 is going to be on point. The Wall Street Journal reported that Luxottica had a meeting at its Milan headquarters discussing the preparation for their next big project. Check out the the details and timeline for the release of Google Glass 2.0 after the jump!

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The Italian eyewear CEO Massimo Vian was recently in California to meet Glass’ new team but did not release any information on the scheduled production of Glass 2.0. The debut version of Google Glass had been criticized for invasion of privacy issues because the glasses allowed wearers to record video and take photos unobtrusively. Glass chief Ivy Ross in January said the updated gadget will be cheaper and have longer battery life, improved sound quality and a better display. Google is also trying to figure out the fashion stigma of Glass by pairing the device with more familiar types of eyewear. Tatwza will probably pick up a pair of Glass 2.0

Vian stated “In Google, there are some second thoughts on how to interpret version 3 [of the eyewear],” Mr. Vian told shareholders. “What you saw was version 1. We’re now working on version 2, which is in preparation.” A google spokesperson said “the team is heads down building the future of the product,” but declined to comment on specifics.

Source: Gizmodo