Baltimore Protests Change Flags

Black Lives Have Always Mattered: The atmosphere in Maryland’s hot-bed city has not slowed, soured or stagnated “by any means.” State troopers are walking the streets and the rallies are still on as Baltimore Protesters Replace American Flags at City Hall in continued response to #FreddieGray.

Over 2,000 people took to the streets once again to march in solidarity of what they feel is an ongoing and unaddressed problem in our communities. Baltimore Protesters Replace American Flags at City Hall in yet another action–reaction of public outrage to the death of Freddie Gray, who mysteriously died of a spinal injury during police custody last week. As Reuters and a handful of news outlets report on the state of the city and the large protest, many others are ‘busy’ covering other things (SMH). No worries though, because the Twitter-verse as always is flooding the net with updates, photos, debates and first hand observations.

“In the biggest protest since 25-year-old Freddie Gray died on Sunday, two clusters of marchers chanting “shut it down” started out at different times before merging during the afternoon into a single wave headed toward City Hall.” The demonstrators pushed up against a wall of barricades and waved signs at officers, who stood silently in two lines. Some protesters kicked and dented police cars parked nearby but there was no forceful response by the officers.

“The revolution is here! I’m going to kill you! All of you – guilty!” one demonstrator yelled as he leaned over a barricade. The marchers then headed for City Hall, blocking traffic on some streets as they passed. Dozens of officers were standing guard at City Hall. “We are all united in our demand to indict the six police officers and convict,” said Sharon Black, spokeswoman for People’s Power Assembly, one of the rally organizers.

It’s because of Twitter user Brother AP (@AntTheKing) and others like him that the image of the Baltimore Protesters Replace American Flags at City Hall came to surface. DMV area (Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia) journalists have been focusing most of the day around the White House Correspondents’ Dinner #WHCD—a huge indication of timing around us all if not the irony and embodiment of “the times” we’re living in.

As the black and white version of America’s stars and stripes were massed up the city’s flag pole in a clear message of resistance, mainstream media salivated over red carpet looks and the jokes that will be told to the “elite” of media, politics and entertainment. Much like OutKast’s Stankonia album and the cover of A$AP Rocky’s Live Love album, the Baltimore Protesters Replace American Flags at City Hall may be lost on the majority of society–but understood and appreciate by many.

Check the vid of a few young protestors taking over CNN’s street coverage and the gallery up top for more!

Emilia A. Ottoo: IG || Twit || Pin
