Looks Like Honey Boo Boo’s Mom & sister are out the closet. She stated to TMZ that now that her and Papa (Sugar) Bear are not together and its open season. Watch out Males and Females she is on the loose .The Exclusive interview was originally for sister Pumpkin but it took a twist.

Originally, the interview was supposed to be for Honey boo boo’s sister Pumpkin. Pumpkin had an exclusive on Inside edition , where she wanted to explain how lucky she was to have a supportive parent to accept her preference. She shocked the world when she started of by saying “My Mom is Bi-sexual too”

That’s right Mama June says she had 3 lesbian experiences growing up and she’s attracted to females as well as males. Now although her and Sugar bear are trying to work things out she says if it doesn’t work she will get her groove back. She said she will “Let a Hater Hate” if they don’t want to understand her new found freedom.

Now Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ was cancelled by last October following because mama June was dating a convicted child molester. Tlc immediately canceled the show. But since then that has not stopped Honey Boo Boo from being in headlines. Well in this case the Headline Honey Boo Boo & Sister Out the Closet didn’t involve her but she still made the headline

Inside Edition
The Dutchess