The summer is coming, and everyone is rushing to get those summer bodies right so they can be on the beach flexin’. And as an entertainer, it’s that much more important as your health needs to be on point with your crazy schedule, and of course you want to look good when your picture is being taken every time you turn a corner.

TDE songstress SZA has shed a good amount of weight in recent months, and if you’re struggling with ridiculous diets or any of those fads, here’s some motivation: she did it simply from taking out some of the horrible foods she was eating.

Marisa Mendez: Twitter || Instagram

“It’s not about how they think you should be, look,feel, do, vibe, grow or evolve . It’s about how YOU see you .how you FEEL you . No crazy diet, no shakes, no cute ass “tea” , no supplements , still no gym (yet ),” SZA shared in a post. “Just being more active, (light hikes n strolls ect) LOTS uh water +doing and eating what feels right for ME and my body (less cheese less sugar ). Wether I’m slim jimmy or thicker than a lil bit it’s all a journey, and I’m in no rush .from 168-152 at my own lil pace [snail emoji] and still goin ..Todays cheesy moral is : no matter where ur at ,by all and any means DO YOU . Don’t apologize .Then enjoy it . #justintimefuhsumma #justflourish ”

Check out a few pics in the gallery!