_Ohio Woman Finds Out Biological Mother Is Co Worker

An adopted woman from Ohio who was searching for her biological mom was shocked she learned that the woman she was looking for was her co-worker at the same company she worked for. Check out the photos in the gallery and the heartwarming video below!

La-Sonya Mitchell-Clark, 38, searched for her mother on Facebook and she was shocked to find out that they both worked for the teleservices firm InfoCision. La-Sonya Mitchell-Clark found out her mother’s name was Francine Simmons after the state’s Department of Health released birth records for those born between Jan. 1964 and Sept. 1996.

Simmons was forced to give up her daughter at age 14 after getting pregnant. Simmons stated, “They would come in contact around the building and during events such as our corporate summer cookouts, parties, and using the facilities or in the hallway.” She then realized that her birth mother worked at the front desk of her company. The two spoke for the first time in almost four decades over the phone, and they learned that they lived only six minutes apart. Mitchell-Clark also discovered that she had three sisters and one of them also works at InfoCision. She said Mitchell-Clark had worked at the company for four years and her mom had been there for 10.

Her other sibling Maisha Cummings said, “It’s just amazing that all this time we’re thinking about her and trying to find her and she was trying to find us, too.” Mitchell-Clark said she’d always wanted to know who her biological mom was. “My mom and dad have always been supportive of me. (They’ve) always encouraged me to look for them. They’re going to be a part of this, too,” she says.

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